It's been a really long time since I've blogged anything...our life is just so crazy busy these days I barely have time to sit down at the computer, let alone blog :) But, I felt like this one might just encourage someone so I wanted to share.
We have been going through a season with Brayden (our 2 year-old) where he just doesn't sleep well at night. Between random little sicknesses, teething, and who knows what else, sleep has been an issue around here lately. I wake up most days and feel so tired and unmotivated to get anything done because after chasing a toddler around all day and then not getting much rest at night, it's just a lose-lose situation it feels like most days. But, somehow there's always just enough energy to get us moms through the day and onto the next. I've been getting really frustrated lately with not seeming to understand why he won't sleep all night, but I try not to let him see that frustration because when it's all said and done, I remind myself these days won't last forever. He will grow up one day and won't be crying out for mama at night, so as hard as it is to ENJOY this season of life...I need to.
But, last night I felt like the Lord spoke to me in the middle of the night. I had already been up once because he had cried out and as I awoke out of a deep sleep to him crying again and got ready to get out of my bed a second time I felt the frustration rising up, but I went in and knelt by his bed and rubbed his back. I asked what was wrong and he just kind of blankely stared at me crying. He rolled over and I rubbed his back and started singing to him and I felt a little voice say "Be a mom right now in this moment; my grace will sustain you tomorrow."
What's funny is...His grace has sustained me today. For as little as I slept last night and how crazy busy Sundays are for us, I'm not really that tired. I even told Josh as I laid down for a nap today that I didn't know if I could fall asleep because I just don't feel very tired. I felt like I should share this because maybe there's another mom who could use the same reminder, "Be a mom in this moment; my grace will sustain you." Be encouraged; He is faithful! :)
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Friday, July 13, 2012
Month-By-Month: 18
This is a tad bit late but better late than never, right? :) Brayden turned 18 months on June 1st but due to some changes in our insurance stuff we were a little bit behind on his check-up so I thought I'd save the blog post until we had some stats! Today we went in for it and while I knew he was a growing, big boy, I was kind of shocked at the numbers the doctor was throwing out there :) It's crazy to think 18 months (well, 19 now) have passed by so quickly - I never knew I could love a little guy as much as I love this one!!
* You are now 28 pounds 11 ounces (which is in the 95-97th percentile!) and probably about 35 inches tall which the doctor said was in the 99TH PERCENTILE (UM, crazy!) You'll more than likely be towering over your mom and dad by those teen years :)
* You're super happy (always have been) and you still keeping your mama on her toes more than ever!! If you're awake - you're on a roll! :)
* Your favorite foods are: eggs (scrambled or boiled), you LOVE any kind of fruit (which is crazy because your mom isn't a fruit fan - yes, I'm weird!), CHICKEN!, all kinds of beans, cheese, and you LOVE ketchup - if you could dip everything in ketchup, you would!
*You've mastered the art of eating with a fork and do REALLY well with it. You have gotten so you won't eat if you don't have your fork :)
* You have such a funny personality! You look almost exactly like your mama (especially her baby pictures compared to yours) but there is no doubt you have a personality like your daddy!
*You are talking a lot more which is really fun. You will try to repeat almost anything we ask you to and have mastered the word "peaaaas" (translated as please) and sometimes think that word will get you anything you want...but are slowly learning it doesn't ;) You always LOVE to say "daddy" but never, ever say mommy anymore and when asked to you respond "daddy"...still pretty positive you're a mama's boy though ;)

*You LOVE the outdoors and always have. You cry when we come inside, no matter how hot it is out there or how long you've been out there. You have a weird obsession with playing in the car..just love to climb around in it and pretend you're driving :)
* You still take your paci when you go down for a nap or to bed - and you love your little lamb :) Mama is dreading the day we take the pacifier away :-/
*Speaking of bed, you decided that you'd show mom and dad you're too big for your crib by climbing out four times in the same now we've moved onto the toddler bed which was quite an interesting transition but now you're doing much better with it!
*Your little personality is showing SO much and you are SO much fun...your mommy & daddy could not imagine life without our sweet Bray ;)
Here's what you're up to:
* You are now 28 pounds 11 ounces (which is in the 95-97th percentile!) and probably about 35 inches tall which the doctor said was in the 99TH PERCENTILE (UM, crazy!) You'll more than likely be towering over your mom and dad by those teen years :)
* You're super happy (always have been) and you still keeping your mama on her toes more than ever!! If you're awake - you're on a roll! :)
*You've mastered the art of eating with a fork and do REALLY well with it. You have gotten so you won't eat if you don't have your fork :)
* You have such a funny personality! You look almost exactly like your mama (especially her baby pictures compared to yours) but there is no doubt you have a personality like your daddy!
*You LOVE the outdoors and always have. You cry when we come inside, no matter how hot it is out there or how long you've been out there. You have a weird obsession with playing in the car..just love to climb around in it and pretend you're driving :)
* You still take your paci when you go down for a nap or to bed - and you love your little lamb :) Mama is dreading the day we take the pacifier away :-/
*Speaking of bed, you decided that you'd show mom and dad you're too big for your crib by climbing out four times in the same now we've moved onto the toddler bed which was quite an interesting transition but now you're doing much better with it!
*Your little personality is showing SO much and you are SO much fun...your mommy & daddy could not imagine life without our sweet Bray ;)
I love you, Bray!!! :)
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Beauty within > Beauty on the outside
I was doing my devotions before going to bed last night and was reading in 1 Peter and came across a couple of verses I've read several times before but when I read it last night it really hit like a ton of bricks for some reason. 1 Peter 3:3-5 says, "Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. This is how the holy women of old made themselves beautiful..."
We live in a society that SCREAMS perfection in our physical appearance. Don't get me wrong, I do most definitely think we should take care of ourselves and be well-kept but the value our society places on our looks is really sad and honestly, unrealistic. Magazine after magazine exists solely to tell us what clothes we should wear, what make-up we should wear and how we should wear it, what purses we should buy, what shoes we should shop for... and we focus so much on how other see us on the outside that we forget that the true beauty comes within. Because we have focused and placed such a high value on our outward appearance we have a huge epidemic of eating disorders, people addicted to diet pills, obsessed with exercise, etc. so we can somehow try to achieve that "Hollywood" look.
I have to remind myself too, it isn't about "keeping up with the Jones'." Yes, I do like clothes and shoes (I am a girl :) but sometimes we place such a high value on how we look on the outside that we forget it's a matter of the heart. "We are to clothe ourselves with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." This should relieve so much burden from us all from trying to impress PEOPLE! I was reading an article and they asked this question and I thought it was so perfect, "Whatever happened to what was inside of us was what really mattered and the outside was just a plus?"
Let's never forget beauty within far outweighs beauty on the outside! Let us clothe ourselves with the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit...because it is SO precious to God! :)
We live in a society that SCREAMS perfection in our physical appearance. Don't get me wrong, I do most definitely think we should take care of ourselves and be well-kept but the value our society places on our looks is really sad and honestly, unrealistic. Magazine after magazine exists solely to tell us what clothes we should wear, what make-up we should wear and how we should wear it, what purses we should buy, what shoes we should shop for... and we focus so much on how other see us on the outside that we forget that the true beauty comes within. Because we have focused and placed such a high value on our outward appearance we have a huge epidemic of eating disorders, people addicted to diet pills, obsessed with exercise, etc. so we can somehow try to achieve that "Hollywood" look.
I have to remind myself too, it isn't about "keeping up with the Jones'." Yes, I do like clothes and shoes (I am a girl :) but sometimes we place such a high value on how we look on the outside that we forget it's a matter of the heart. "We are to clothe ourselves with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." This should relieve so much burden from us all from trying to impress PEOPLE! I was reading an article and they asked this question and I thought it was so perfect, "Whatever happened to what was inside of us was what really mattered and the outside was just a plus?"
Let's never forget beauty within far outweighs beauty on the outside! Let us clothe ourselves with the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit...because it is SO precious to God! :)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Piles of laundry & dusty baseboards :)
Control freak?! Me? No way! Yeah right! I do in fact have those tendencies... It can be a good and a bad thing. It definitely helps me keep organized, the house cleaned, etc. but sometimes I try to be in control TOO much in my own life (don't we all?)
I read a blog some time back by a Pastor's wife named Holly Furtick that was titled "Stop trying to balance everything." When I saw the title I was thinking...what?! How could you possibly stop trying to balance everything? I'm a mom, employee, a cook, a maid, now a pastors wife....I HAVE to balance everything! Wrong!
Lately, I've felt the pressure of a lot of life's tasks and circumstances and trying to balance it all becomes really overwhelming. Trying to be the best mom and wife I can, meeting deadlines with my job, making sure dinner is cooked each night, and not to mention staying on top of laundry and church related things! It can become really taxing because we are human...but it's amazing when we take a deep breath, step back, and realize what's truly important how much more enjoyable life can be! Having balance in our lives IS definitely important but as moms sometimes we focus too much on how we are going to balance it all that we are missing the whole point of life itself because we are too busy being busy!
Holly Furtick said in her blog (I'm paraphrasing here :)) - It's OK if the laundry piles up sometimes and the baseboards get a little dusty, those are the trivial things in life :) She encouraged to make a conscious effort to be present IN the present. The precious moments I have with my 19 month-old, I will never regain!
Hopefully this will encourage another sometimes frazzled-feeling mom that it IS ok to let the laundry pile up sometimes and let the baseboards get a little dusty...never let the small, trivial things in life cause us to become too busy for what matters the most!
I read a blog some time back by a Pastor's wife named Holly Furtick that was titled "Stop trying to balance everything." When I saw the title I was thinking...what?! How could you possibly stop trying to balance everything? I'm a mom, employee, a cook, a maid, now a pastors wife....I HAVE to balance everything! Wrong!
Lately, I've felt the pressure of a lot of life's tasks and circumstances and trying to balance it all becomes really overwhelming. Trying to be the best mom and wife I can, meeting deadlines with my job, making sure dinner is cooked each night, and not to mention staying on top of laundry and church related things! It can become really taxing because we are human...but it's amazing when we take a deep breath, step back, and realize what's truly important how much more enjoyable life can be! Having balance in our lives IS definitely important but as moms sometimes we focus too much on how we are going to balance it all that we are missing the whole point of life itself because we are too busy being busy!
Holly Furtick said in her blog (I'm paraphrasing here :)) - It's OK if the laundry piles up sometimes and the baseboards get a little dusty, those are the trivial things in life :) She encouraged to make a conscious effort to be present IN the present. The precious moments I have with my 19 month-old, I will never regain!
Hopefully this will encourage another sometimes frazzled-feeling mom that it IS ok to let the laundry pile up sometimes and let the baseboards get a little dusty...never let the small, trivial things in life cause us to become too busy for what matters the most!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
James 1:20
Last Friday Brayden and I went to the park with some friends. Brayden got to play with some friends while I got to chat and catch up with a friend. Win-win for us both :) While sitting at the park talking I asked this friend about their views on discipline and how they disciplined at certain ages. The toddler age is such a hard one when it comes to discipline. Brayden understands simple commands really well and I really think he knows a lot more than sometimes we give him credit for, but because we aren't exactly sure what he does and doesn't understand - this makes discipline hard. He definitely has reached the "toddler tantrum" age and we see those from time to time. He's really strong-willed too which we have to be sure we don't let get out of hand :) I've tried a handful of things myself and sometimes have wondered if any of them really work...then my mind goes back to, "does he even understand why he's being disciplined?" Mine and Josh's goal as parents is to discipline Brayden in a way that he would see God's love through his parents (so that we can teach him God's love) and not an angry parent coming at him because we're mad at him because he's doing wrong. I have seen so many children of all different ages out in public with their parents acting up and the parent immediately jerks the child up and is screaming in their faces and yelling at public. It always makes me feel so sad for the child because not only is that humiliating but what is it teaching the child?
My friend mentioned this scripture that really stuck out to her and I came home and re-read it myself because it really sheds a whole new light on discipline. It's James 1:20 and it says, "Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires." So true!! If we discipline our children when we're angry or show them anger when we're upset with them...we AREN'T helping to produce the righteousness of God in them! It is hard sometimes when a child deliberately does something they know they shouldn't do, or throw themselves on the floor having a "toddler tantrum" because they didn't get something they wanted to calmly but firmly take care of the situation. Of course different things work for different kids, but I think it can all be done without showing the child anger :) I have at times been guilty of letting my anger show towards Brayden when disciplining and I am DEFINITELY still learning myself, but this has really a whole new light to parenting and discipline for us :)
My friend mentioned this scripture that really stuck out to her and I came home and re-read it myself because it really sheds a whole new light on discipline. It's James 1:20 and it says, "Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires." So true!! If we discipline our children when we're angry or show them anger when we're upset with them...we AREN'T helping to produce the righteousness of God in them! It is hard sometimes when a child deliberately does something they know they shouldn't do, or throw themselves on the floor having a "toddler tantrum" because they didn't get something they wanted to calmly but firmly take care of the situation. Of course different things work for different kids, but I think it can all be done without showing the child anger :) I have at times been guilty of letting my anger show towards Brayden when disciplining and I am DEFINITELY still learning myself, but this has really a whole new light to parenting and discipline for us :)
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