Brayden got his second ever haircut this month by Ms. Kelly!! He did so good and sat really still the whole time (for the most part!)
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Here's what you're up to:
* If I had to guess I'd say you're about 27.5 pounds now (big boy!) and probably about 32 inches tall! You've stayed in the 75th-90th percentiles for weight and height ever since you were a teeny little baby :)
* You're super happy (always have been) and you keep your mama on her toes!! You have gained somewhat of a Mr. Independent attitude that has to be put in check every now and then ;)
* You have such a silly little personality! Lots of people say you look a lot like your mama, but you sure do have a personality just like your daddy ;) You've really gotten down the "silly face" and "mean face." So funny!
*You don't say a whole lot of words at this point. Every now and then you'll attempt to repeat something, but you do say mama/dada (when you want to), hi, bye...but are really smart with commands and you definitely understand more than we think you do! ;) You do love to point at things you want though!
*Ever since really getting the hang of walking at about 13 months your walking has turned into full-fledged RUNNING! You sure do give me quite the workout on a daily basis :)
*You LOVE the outdoors. Honestly, you'd live out there if I let you. This summer will be tons of fun!!
* You drink about 18 ounces of milk per day still and then lots of water, in fact, you LOVE water! We were able to get rid of the bottle around 14 months and haven't had a problem since (next goal: pacifier - YIKES!)
* You still take your paci when you go down for a nap or to bed - and you love your little lamb :) Mama is dreading the day we take the pacifier away :-/
I love you, Bray!!! :)
Brayden LOVES Ryder (Aunt Tay's dog) |
Uncle Dan let me take a ride on his skateboard ;) |
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